Winning Grants for Community Impact

Strategic/Operational Planning

IFP’s leadership supports organizational planning and development by offering tailored strategic planning support, including:

  • Develop, review and/or revise Mission, Value, Vision, and Action statements
  • Develop, review, and/or revise Goals, Initiatives, or Outcomes
    • Ensure goals focus on the three Ps (people, programs, and places)
    • Ensure goals are SMARTER (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-related, evaluated, and re-evaluated)
    • Differentiate between operational and strategic activities
    • Focus on fiscal responsibility and aligning funding with goals
    • Develop a continuous quality improvement plan
    • Review programs and support those that are working and eliminate those that are not working
  • Build trust through transparent interactions with stakeholders with a focus on the four Cs (create, connect, communicate, and community)

IFP has worked with numerous organizations across the U.S., working in a variety of sectors, to provide strategic planning coordination and support for your leadership team. Contact us today to learn more about our strategic planning process.